Consumer Habits: What’s A Digital Footprint?

Lately, we’ve been trying to get into podcasts around the Decantery office. And we’re not talking just the self-love, motivational kind. Podcasts present another avenue for learning! We covered the what and why of podcasts in a previous blog post as well.

We recently checked out The Sales Evangelist’s podcast with Victoria Romney, Founder & President of ModernMarca and all-around marketing superwoman. She offers some great insights into how to select a digital marketing firm for your company, what mistakes to avoid when engaging digital marketing, and how everything you do leaves a digital footprint. We especially liked that highlight—consumers are constantly creating digital trails. Harnessing the power of understanding the behavior of those trails, and therefore your consumers, will lead to greater success.

At Decantery, one of our main focuses is on understanding consumer behavior through SEO strategies. Through diligent testing and behavior research, we’re able to identify exactly what your consumers are searching for, and align your digital marketing efforts appropriately. We pride ourselves on truly becoming partners with our clients, so that you feel that we’re an integral part of your team. A client’s success is always our main goal.

If you’re ready to shake up your marketing efforts with a dedicated team of digital strategists, reach out! We’d love to chat about what you’d like to accomplish with your digital marketing.

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